How to make SSM ask for confirmation for line commands in the panel 4.11.2?
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How to make SSM ask for confirmation for line commands in the panel 4.11.2?


Article ID: 233843


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


When issuing for example the command "Z" against a resource SSM takes it down immediately.

Is there a way to make SSM ask for a confirmation?


Release : 14.0

Component :


SSM Verify Mode must be set in the general profile section.

From OPS main menu navigate to the panel 0.1:

General Settings ---- XE38 --- O P S V I E W ----------------------------
 OPSCMD Max Lines     ===> 1000  ( 1 to 5000 )                           
 OPSCMD Wait Time     ===>       ( blank for default, or 1 to 60 )       
 OPSCMD Echo          ===> N     ( Y or N )                              
 OPSCMD Subsystem     ===> OPSS                                          
 Action Verification  ===> Y     ( Y or N )                              
 AOF Test Action Ver  ===> Y     ( Y or N )                              
 Max Test Globals     ===> 5000   ( blank for default, or 1 to 999999 )  
 Max Test Temp GLVs   ===> 9999   ( blank for default, or 1 to 99999 )   
 AOF Alloc Subsys     ===>       ( blank for default, or subsystem name )
 AOF REXX WorkSpace   ===> 1572864    ( blank for default, or            
                                      40960 to 2000000000 )              
 SSM Monitor Display  ===> E     ( B/V/E )                               
 SSM Verify mode      ===> A     ( A/M/N )                               
 Clear OPSLOG profile ===> N     ( Y or N )                              

Verify mode options are A, M or N:

An indicator which determines whether or not
operations in SSM Resource Status panel and 
SSM Resource Policy Manager panels will be  
A - confirm commands verification           
      4.11.2    - D,S,Z,C,U,W,Q,R,SC,ZC     
      4.11.P.R  - D,DE,I,IM,U,UL            
      4.11.P.P  - D                         
      4.11.P.UC - D                         
M - confirm multi-resource commands         
      4.11.2    - W,Q,R,SC,ZC               
N - no confirmation for line commands