Define WARN mode to Resource class
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Define WARN mode to Resource class


Article ID: 233765


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Top Secret



RACF is able to define WARNING by RDEFINE command. Is Top Secret able to define WARNING mode to Resource class ?


Release : 16.0

Component : Top Secret for z/OS


Top Secret can define MODE in the followings.

• ACTION on a permission
• Subsystem facility (DB2FAC)
• User mode permission
• Facility
• Global

A mode for a specific resource permission, the ACTION (FAIL) is available, however, there are no commands to set WARN mode for a specific resource permission.
To meet the requirement, TSSINSTX can be one of solutions. RC=12 in TSSINSTX is set a resource class in WARN mode.

EX ) Set WARN mode for resource class PROGRAM(BPX) 

With EXIT ATTRIBUTE of PROGRAM Resource class in RDT, the control is passed to 12 RESOURCE VALIDATION in TSSINSTX.
For resource class, PROGRAM, a variable TXA#RTYP has P and a resource name, a variable TXA#RESN has BPX.

When the resource is processed, code EXIT12 to branch  to set WARN mode.

With EXIT OFF. the following message will be issued and the access is denied;

TSS7250E 136 J=jobname A=acid TYPE=PROGRAM RESOURCE=BPXxxxxx
TSS7251E Access Denied to PROGRAM <BPXxxxxx>                

With EXIT ON, the access is successful with following messages;

TSS7250W 136 J=jobname A=acid TYPE=PROGRAM RESOURCE=BPXxxxxx
TSS7251W Access Denied to PROGRAM <BPXxxxxx>