Does removal of CLSL require a preliminary SARSTC shutdown to make the change?
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Does removal of CLSL require a preliminary SARSTC shutdown to make the change?


Article ID: 233751


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Manual states:

For an existing database, SARINIT updates the existing MCR:

  • Any parameter for which a statement is provided is set to the value supplied.
  • Any parameter for which no statement is supplied remains unchanged.
  • If a parameter statement is supplied without a value, the parameter is set to its default value.

You must stop the archival started task (SARSTC) before you change any parameters in its master index.

Does SARSTC must already be 'stopped' to make the change ??





Release : 14.0



Only some parms require a recycle of SARSTC. See documentation for table under Activate and Modify heading 
Manual needs updating to change "You must stop the archival started task (SARSTC) before you change any parameters in its master index."
SARINIT can be run to update parms and when SARSTC is restarted the new parms will be installed.