Rally: Release or Iteration has disappeared from the dropdown selections
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Rally: Release or Iteration has disappeared from the dropdown selections


Article ID: 233709


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


Our Release or Iteration is not showing in the dropdown.  I cannot link work to it.


Release :

Component :


If the Name, Start Date or End Date do not match throughout the project hierarchy, it creates different releases or iterations, not a single one throughout the projects.

If the State is Accepted, no new work can be added to that release or iteration.


  1. Locate the release or iteration under Plan - Timeboxes - Release or Iteration. 
  2. If the timebox should be cascaded from a parent project to child projects, make sure that the Name, Start and End Dates all match, throughout the project hierarchy.
  3. Check the State of the Timebox, it should be in either Planning or Committed.
  4. If the State is set to Accepted, you can no longer link work items to that release or iteration.  The state will have to be changed to one of the other two options to allow work items to be linked.