We used to clear the cache in Oracle Java Control Panel, but since we moved to AdoptOpenJDK JRE, we no longer have the Java icon in the Windows Control Panel.
Fatal: Initialization Error: Could not initialize application. The application has not been initialized, for more information execute javaws from the command line.
Release : 21.2
Component : Spectrum OneClick
By default, IcedTea-Web is installed into the OpenJDK directory and has the same executable name (javaws.exe) as Java Web Start. To configure settings, such as security or certificates, start the control panel by running itweb-settings.exe.
In Spectrum 21.2.6, we provide two packages to be installed on the Desktop:
You will find the itweb-settings.exe file in the C:\Program Files\IcedTeaWeb\WebStart\bin directory.
In earlier Spectrum releases such as 20.2.10 (, we provide a single package to be installed on the Desktop:
You will find the itweb-settings.exe file in the C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jre-\bin directory.
Launch the itweb-settings.exe file, select Cache, and click on View files.
Then click on the Purge button.
You can also run from a Command Prompt:
Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Eclipe Adoptium\jre-8.0.312.7-hotspot\bin directory (Spectrum 21.2.6).
Then run: javaws -Xclearcache
And press Enter to go back to the prompt.
And you can manually clear the cache directory:
Where spectrum is the username.