Employee can use CA Service Point Mobile Application?
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Employee can use CA Service Point Mobile Application?


Article ID: 233647


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


After an employee user logs in to Service Point Mobile app, an error "Unable to connect the server" appears. 

The user can create a new ticket, but it cannot be displayed with the same error after the creation. Also he/she cannot display the ticket list with the same error.

1. Create a user with Employee Access Type. Ensure that the "Service Point" is listed in 'Related App List' of the Employee Access Type. 

2. Log into Service Point from Service Point Mobile app.
The error "Unable to connect to the server" appears. 

3. Click on + icon on the mob app to create a ticket.
The ticket is created successfully. However, it is not listed in the ticket list in the mob app with the same error appears and the app keeps loading.

4. Log into Service Point by Chrome on a PC by using the same user.
The ticket is displayed under 'My Recent Tickets' as well as 'My Tickets' list.

When the error message appeared, the following error messages were written in an incidentMS.log.

ERROR - 2022-01-13 10:51:42 [c.c.c.a.AuthenticationInterceptor] - Authentication failed
INFO - 2022-01-13 10:51:51 [controllers.Application] - app details Json : {"contact_UUID":"###############","access_type":"10005","apps":[{"id":###,"acctyp":10005,"app":{"id":2,"code":"bui","name":"Service Point","decription":"One stop shop for business users for all their IT needs"},"is_default":true,"roles":[{"id":"####","name":"Employee","isDefault":true}]}]}
INFO - 2022-01-13 10:51:52 [c.ca.casm.authorization.Authorizer] - No service contract found. Returning -1.
WARN - 2022-01-13 10:52:29 [c.c.c.a.catalog.CacheUpdateThread] - Assert failed. zero or many usm_configuration found.


Release : 17.3

Component : SDM - Mobile


Update the Search Server URL in the "casm.conf.js" file located under ..\CA\xFlow\APPS\Services\incidentmicroservice-17.0.479\public\conf folder to include the fully qualified domain name. I updated the file on my test box and confirmed the error was not displayed when accessed SDM from Service Point mobile application. Could you follow the below steps and check if the problem is resolved on your server?

1. Locate the file "casm.conf.js" stored under ..\CA\xFlow\APPS\Services\incidentmicroservice-17.0.479\public\conf folder on your xFlow server.
2. Take a backup of the file.
3. Open the file by an editor, such as Notepad and update the server name of all URLs to include FQDN.

server : 'http://xFlowserver:9002' + '/api'

server : 'http://xFlowserver.xx.domain.com:9002' + '/api'

4. Save the changes.
5. Restart the xFlow and Search Server services.