EOS Date for Compatibility Mode 11.6-C release
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EOS Date for Compatibility Mode 11.6-C release


Article ID: 233621


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator


Is there an official date on when compatibility mode will no longer be supported?  How will this information be communicated?



Easytrieve Report Generator, Release 11.6


There is no date set at this time and release 11.6C is still fully supported. NEWFUNC MODE is strongly encouraged in order to utilize the features introduced in this version. Also, all the new enhancement development in which we are investing is building on top of the new function mode (such as VSCode plugin and Profiling & Code Coverage toolkit). 

For Support and Life Cycle Dates, you may visit this:


However, this will not answer the question on when compatibility mode will no longer be supported.  But, it will have information on any newer releases, thereby perhaps coinciding with the EOS of Compatibility Mode.

The information will be widely posted under our Support Portal under Product Information for Easytrieve when this information in the future is decided regarding the EOS for Compatibility Mode.