When trying to deploy API keys to the proxy Gateway, the following error shows up in the Gateway logs:
When deploying API the following error shows up:
2022-12-08T14:49:09.991+0100 INFO 239 com.l7tech.external.assertions.portaldeployer.server.client.PortalDeployerClient: Message Arrived - ID: 9, Topic: tenantdevportal/api/command/deploy/tenantGatewayUuid/c85f24e5-24dd-4c8b-a9f7-cce629dab08a
2022-12-08T14:49:09.991+0100 INFO 239 com.l7tech.external.assertions.portaldeployer.server.client.PortalDeployerClient: Node is master, continuing to process message 9
2022-12-08T14:49:10.198+0100 SEVERE 239 com.l7tech.external.assertions.portaldeployer.server.client.MessageProcessor: There was performAction for message
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
at java.base/java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
Release : 5.x
Component : API Portal
The gateway is receiving a message from the portal and will use this message to call the local service at "https://localhost:8443/portalman/api-keys/storage*" on port 8443 or "https://localhost:8443/restman/1.0/bundle" to install an API.
Make sure the gateway is trusting its own certificate and verify the client authentication setting for the 8443 listener port. The client authentication setting should be set to optional.
Also, make sure the local gateway is able to access the local service on localhost.