Password view request reports or API call in CA PAM show only the past 30 days worth of Password View Details
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Password view request reports or API call in CA PAM show only the past 30 days worth of Password View Details


Article ID: 233547


Updated On:


CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


Running a Credential Management Report of Password View Requests, only the last 30 days worth of requests for password view are shown. The same occurs if using the API call (/api.php/v1/passwords/viewRequests.json).

Why is this happening ?


CA PAM all releases


The number of days that the password view requests are kept in the database is an independent setting in Settings --> Credential Management Settings --> Password View Request Delete Interval Days, and it is set to 30 days by default


Modify the said value to the desired interval to keep sufficient password view request data