Recommendation for SOX requirement to generate Log Analyzer data modification reports via Archive logs for 14 months
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Recommendation for SOX requirement to generate Log Analyzer data modification reports via Archive logs for 14 months


Article ID: 233498


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Log Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


As part of SOX audit asked to generate Log Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS data modification reports for 14 months
but do not have archive logs for such a long period.

Can modify ARCRETN subsystem parameter to 430 days but BSDS print shows archive log details for past 2 months only
and some Db2 subsystems it is for 10 months based on the activity.  MAXARCH subsystem parameter is 10000 in all the Db2

As per SOX audit request need to have 14 months of data modification logs and report. 


Log Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS has an option for the following Source Types on the
Process Log - Log Source Specification panel:

Source Type ==> B ( B - BSDS, X - Extract File, L - Active/Archive Log(s) ) 

Normally Log Analyzer would be executed using the B option for BSDS but there
are X and L options that allow alternate sources for log input.


1. If you need to audit specific tables, then execute the require Log Analyzer reports daily and
   save required information off for auditing purposes which can be referenced at a later date.

2. Execute Log Analyzer and retain the Log Analyzer LADXTRCT and LADXCNTL datasets which can be used 
   with the X - Extract File option at a later time.

3. Retain the archive logs and utilize the L - Active/Archive Log(s) option within Log Analyzer.    

Recommendation is to enable DATA CAPTURE CHANGES for the tables to ensure the proper data is stored in the 
archive logs for future processing.