Task in workflow is in "waiting for parallel" incorrectly
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Task in workflow is in "waiting for parallel" incorrectly


Article ID: 233495


Updated On:


CA Automic One Automation


A task within a workflow is showing "Waiting for end of parallel task" in workflow monitor.  Executions for the task shows "Waiting for predecessor". 

When clicking on details for the task, the following is seen for "Status within Parent":

Status: Waiting for end of parallel task(s)
Job Status: Waiting for predecessor

"Status within Parent" may also show:

Status: Waiting for end of parallel task(s)
Job status: ENDED_INACTIVE - Inactive today because of Calendar


This issue occurs without post-conditions on the tasks in the workflow (see bug here: https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article/145823/jobs-are-blocked-with-incorrect-waiting.html)


Release : 12.3.3



In looking at this further, it looks like it's most likely a problem during activation and the tasks in the workflow getting "stuck" in a particular status even though it is not the correct status.  The task status within the parent should be taken from the EJPP table and the task status should be taken from the EH table.  

Unfortunately this behavior needs to be caught in the moment with tcp/ip=2 and database=3 traces on the WPs.  If these are available, open a case with support and send:

WP logs
CP logs
WP traces
.xml export of the parent workflow and all tasks and subtasks within it.

This particular issue was seen on 12.3.3.  General recommendations are to update to 12.3.7 as there were a lot of fixes to agent group resolution.  12.3.4 also had fixes to max parallel.