Configure To Use Java Transformers, CAHVS0025W message - 14.0 Web Viewer
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Configure To Use Java Transformers, CAHVS0025W message - 14.0 Web Viewer


Article ID: 233385


Updated On: 01-28-2022


Output Management Web Viewer


Configuring Web Viewer To Use The Java Transformers - Because we don't use CA Spool nor the stand-alone Java Transformers, we question why we see a warning message in Tomcat STC - CAHVS0025W Parameter TRANSFORM2PDF set to FALSE, STDENVX DD Statement Missing, Please advise.


Release : 14.0

Component : Output Management Web Viewer


The reason for the warning message – It can occur if the transformers are turned on from the config file when there is no STDENVX DD Statement. Set TRANSFORM2PDF to FALSE in the config file. TRANSFORMAFP2PDF may also be set to FALSE. There won’t be a STDENVX DD statement if you're not using the Java transformers.