When creating a new Job from the Banner agent, the GJRJBMO_STORAGE_DAYS value is not assigned to the new Job, instead it defaults to 999. This can cause an error when the Job is submitted:
Starting: GURPDED as job 289744
0 [main] ERROR net.test.banner.general.FileParams - Storage days is not valid, throw exception to stop processing
Delete after days 321 must be less than or equal to value defined on GJAJBMO 999
1 [main] ERROR com.sct.messaging.bif.banner.BannerBatchProcessor - Job not run, jobsub parameter validation found errors.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.hedtech.banner.general.Gjrjlis.processJob(Gjrjlis.java:71)
at com.sct.messaging.bif.banner.BannerBatchProcessor.main(BannerBatchProcessor.java:174)
Release : RA Banner 4.1
Component : RA BANNER
Workaround: Change 999 in the template to a lower value
Resolution: Fixed in RA.BANNER.4.1.3 and higher.