ITMS Data Source import
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ITMS Data Source import


Article ID: 233337


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


In the current design of data source import rules.

When we create one source for two different rules with different types of data to be imported from the same source and have the delete checkbox enabled, a mismatch of import data is performed



Create one data source from where Computers & User data can be imported. (Use this data source for both import rules)

Create first import rule to import computer

Create a second import rule to import users with 'Delete removed resources'

Cause the data source was already used for importing computer objects, when we run the second import rule to users and have the checkbox enabled to delete removed resources, all computer objects will be deleted from the ITMS console.


Code review shows this was an intentional design made a long time ago.

The best practice is to have one data source created in the ITMS console per each rule created in the console.