When refreshing or creating a new application environment, issues with node communication can arise.
Symptoms include:
NSA Installation overview incomplete
NSA Database tab not accessible and not loading
Application shows error 500
Logs show database configuration issue
Ensure proper server communication exists with information from the NSA server properties file.
1. Run the command(admin general view-config)
to view the contents of what is referenced.
If the server information is incorrect or not correctly referenced, manually check the properties.xml file.
Make sure the CLARITY_HOME/config/properties.xml shows the correct information relative to environment being worked on.
Modify the properties.xml to contain the correct information.
2. Once the properties.xml file is corrected,
run command(admin general upload-config)
Make sure the command is successful.
The command(admin general upload-config) takes what is currently in the local properties.xml and uploads it to the database table containing server properties (CMN_CONFIG) where all servers will have access to that latest properties.xml file.
3. Check if the UI comes up from within the server.
4. Check if the UI comes up from outside the server.
If it does not come up from outisde, perform a telnet test.
If the test fails, the network team will need to review all the port numbers are valid and open and hostname/DNS issues are resolved.