How to reinstall Endevor in Chorus
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How to reinstall Endevor in Chorus


Article ID: 233245


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Installed Endevor R181 on test Lpar using Chorus, Web Services ZFS filesystem got deleted by accident, and no backup. 

How to reinstall Endevor in Chorus to restore ZFS filesystem and all related USS files ?



Release : 18.1

Component : Endevor Software Change Manager


Here is the instruction to reinstall Endevor using Chorus: 

Click the SMP/E Environments tab in CSM
Click the SMP/E environment on the tree on the left side
Perform the required actions:  delete the SMP/E environment (this will remove SMP/E environment from CSM and all the SMP/E datasets). 
Manually delete CSIQOPTN dataset created by the previous install. 
Apply maintenance PTFs.  

Additional Information

If there is backup for the CSIQUSSM dataset, just restore the CSIQUSSM dataset. 

If uncateloged CSIQUSSM dataset can be found, rebuilt the cluster and cat definition from the uncatalogued dataset.

For test Lpar with no back up, reinstall Endevor in Chrous could be the solution the get ZFS filesystem back.