No UIM Database Metrics in DX Performance View
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No UIM Database Metrics in DX Performance View


Article ID: 233231


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Using UIM to monitor MSSQL and Oracle databases. We send alarms from UIM to DX SAAS with no issues.

I need to see UIM metrics for the databases in DX performance view. I have all metrics enabled in UIM (QOs set to yes) for the Oracle and MSSQL probes.

Is there anything else that I need to configure?

I am not seeing any of the QoS metrics in DX 


Also when I get a UIM alarm (from AWS or from Oracle) the metric produces a plot in the effected metric tab of the alarm.

What we are looking for is to be able to produce graphs from the UIM database  metrics in the performance tab. I assume the metric name should appear under the host that the database lives in just as CPU,MEM, availability, port,etc shows up there.


Release : SAAS

Component : CA DOI RESTMON


After changing hostname , password and other fields in APM Gateway, started to see database inventory data