UIM - CABI Reports take 10+ minutes to return data. There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: a4e91ca6-d550-4770-a230-bbeab01c78ff)
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UIM - CABI Reports take 10+ minutes to return data. There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: a4e91ca6-d550-4770-a230-bbeab01c78ff)


Article ID: 233209


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


This technical article documents an issue faced where out of the box CABI reports would not run or would take 10+ minutes to populate data (spinning icon in OC or CABI JRS). 

Symptoms of the issue: 

1. Out of the box CABI reports in both the Operator Console and Jasper Report Server Console continue to spin for 10-20 minutes before loading data. 

2. Out of the box CABI reports do not finish loading data and report the below error: 

There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: a4e91ca6-d550-4770-a230-bbeab01c78ff)


Release : 20.3

Component : UIM - CABI

CABI Bundles and External 


Large volume of data in the UIM Database (RN,HN,DN and BN_QOS * tables) and DB fragmentation. 


The below articles and documentation related to the data_engine, and database should be reviewed:  

CA UIM (Nimsoft) Database Best Practices for MS SQL Server

How does data_engine maintenance and retention work?

data_engine probe : Data Maintenance and Index Maintenance job recommendations

Verifying that data_engine is deleting old raw and historic data properly from the database

UIM (NimsoftSLM) Database has Grown to an Unmanageble Size

How to find the TOP 10 largest tables in your UIM Database