The InterTest server(CAVHSRVR) is up and running but there is a message in the STDOUT:
EST:16 Error loading CAMRCUI0
What cause this message show?
Release : 11.0
Component : Testing Tools Common Symbolic Component
Normally, there's an InterTest Batch-specific part of initialization where CAVHSRVR start listening on the secondary (BLS) port.
When CAMRCUI0 is absent, CAVHSRVR print the "Error" message, and CAVHSRVR doesn't proceed with the rest of the InterTest Batch-specific initialization.
Enable the SYSPLEX (Cross-LPAR) Debugging Feature
You can view and debug jobs that are executing on different (foreign) LPARs than the one you are currently logged on to. For more information about debugging jobs executing on foreign LPARs, see Batch Link Selection Panel.
Follow these steps: