Client wants to re-route current JSF outputs to View.
Can ERO parameters be defined using MSGCLASS?
I know that I can just change the SARINIT CLSL= parm, to pull in new output. There are 6 total MSGCLASSes from JSF.
Would the SARSTC task need recycled, for a change in the CLSL parameter?
Also, can you please explain the RETPD/DRETPD, GENS/DGENS, and COPIES/DCOPIES settings used in ERO?
Release : 14.0
Component : View
For View, the SARINIT CLSL=xxxxxxxx parameter can accommodate up to a maximum of 8 sysout classes.
Upon changing any SARINIT parameters, you need to follow that with a SARSTC task recycle.
ERO parameters can only have entries based on a Sysout ID, and not by MSGCLASS.
ERO RETPD/DRETPD means that reports are to be retained on tape and disk, respectively, for the specified number of calendar days.
ERO GENS/DGENS means that reports are to be retained on tape and disk, respective, for the specified number of generations (occurrences of View backups).
ERO COPIES/DCOPIES means that reports are to be retained on tape and disk, respectively, for the specified number of occurrences.
Note: Please ensure that the combinations of RETPD/DRETPD, GENS/DGENS, and COPIES/DCOPIES are used, for consistency.
With XCOND=YES|NO, you can specify whether View is to consider SYSOUTs that had exceptional conditions, for example, JCL errors, ABENDS, and so on, for ERO evaluation:
. YES - The report is selected even though an exception is present.
. NO - The report is bypassed for ERO processing when an exception is present.
If there is no setting, then it goes by the SARINIT PXCOND=YES|NO setting, which defaults to PXCOND=YES.
DELETE is used to specify that when the ERO retention TOTAL criteria expires (RETPD, GENS, COPIES), the report is deleted (and does not revert to the control of the View SARINIT parameter NGENT.
The catch-all entry at the end of the ERO entries is used if there is no match on any other entry in the table.