Can Vantage monitor space usage in thin provisioned disks on IBM DS8K?
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Can Vantage monitor space usage in thin provisioned disks on IBM DS8K?


Article ID: 233114


Updated On: 10-28-2024


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


Can Vantage monitor back-end space usage when thin provisioning on a DS8950F (so that this info can then be used to run SPACEREL)?  








Thin provisioned disks on IBM DS8K can be monitored.  The specific object which has this information is found in the Vantage object tree path: 

RAID Devices / IBM Arrays / DS88XX and DS89XX / DS8XXX Volumes

The specific identifier for this object is OBJ02422.  This object contains fields such as: 

Total Capacity   Volume Total Capacity In Cylinders for CKD Storage Type, and in Bytes   for FB Storage Type.
Real Capacity Volume Real Capacity In Cylinders for CKD Storage Type, and in Bytes for FB Storage Type.
Virt Capacity Volume Virtual Capacity In Cylinders for CKD Storage Type, and in Bytes for FB Storage Type.
Storage Type Possible types: CKD - Count Key Data FB - Fixed Block
TP   Thin Provisioning can be: "None" | "Ese" | "Tse"   
where "None": No Thin Provisioning
"Ese" : Extent Space Efficient
"Tse" : Track Space Efficient

This object also provides the single action:

Rel Space Vol -
Release thin-provisioned unused space on a volume. The SPACEREL command is used and the action results are logged in APIDSSPR in the CA Vantage STC log. This action is available only for thin-provisioned volumes - see column TP.

So you can actually invoke the SPACEREL function from within this object.

Additional Information

See the related HELP info for object OBJ02422 (DS8XXX Volumes).