Removing iGateway from Autosys r12 servers.
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Removing iGateway from Autosys r12 servers.


Article ID: 232991


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


This document explains the procedures to uninstall WCC commandsponsor and igateway services from the autosys servers.


Release : 12

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


The igateway service is not required on Autosys 12.x servers and can be removed.


Process to uninstall/remove the command line sponsor (igateway): 

Ensure the Java version in the jre_cs directory iTechnology directory has the version shipped with the original installation

(Uninstallation may be failed if bundled java (JRE 1.8 202) in the jre_cs directory).

-- UX --
unisrvcntr stop CA-WAAE
$IGW_LOC/S99igateway stop
cd $IGW_LOC/"Uninstall_CA Workload Control Center Command Sponsor"
./"Uninstall CA Workload Control Center Command Sponsor" -i silent

-- WIN --
Uninstall the iGateway 32-bit version, as follows:
Open the Windows Control Panel's Add or Remove Programs feature.
Select 'CA iTechnology iGateway' from the Currently installed programs list.
Click Remove. 

The uninstallation of WCC CommandSponsor will remove the jre_cs directory from iTechnology as well. It is normal.

Additional Information

The "igateway" should only be on EEM host(s) where it is required and on AutoSys 11.x server hosts as part of the command line sponsor.

AutoSys 11.x still requires igateway to be running for WCC ECLI communications.
EEM still requires the igateway as a component. Do not remove it from the server if EEM running/co-existing on the autosys R12 server. 

If you are wanting to uninstall EEM see: