How to identify version of Symantec Protection Engine (SPE)
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How to identify version of Symantec Protection Engine (SPE)


Article ID: 232920


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Protection Engine for NAS Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection for SharePoint Servers


How can I determine which version of Symantec Protection Engine is installed on a given computer or virtual machine?



Release :

Component :


There are multiple ways to confirm the installed version of Symantec Protection Engine (SPE)

Do one or more of the following:

  • At the Linux bash prompt, invoke the
  • At the Windows cmd prompt, search the headers of the configuration xml files
  • At the Windows cmd prompt, search for the most recent occurrence of the "product_version" keyword


To invoke the executable

  1. At the bash prompt, cd to the folder containing
  2. At the bash prompt, type:
    ./ version


To search the headers of the configuration xml files

  1. At the cmd prompt, cd to the folder containing configuration.xml
  2. At the cmd prompt, type:
    find "version=" *.xml | find ":"

    Output from five of the .xml files shows the version of SPE the config file is created for, and the sixth file shows the date/timestamp of the Virus Definitions date in use...
    C:> find "version=" *.xml | find ":"
    <centralmgmt xmlns:xsi="" schemaMajor="1" schemaMinor="0" version="080202" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="centralmgmt.xsd">
    <configuration xmlns:xsi="" schemaMajor="1" schemaMinor="0" version="080202" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="configuration.xsd">
    <filtering xmlns:xsi="" schemaMajor="1" schemaMinor="0" version="080202" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filtering.xsd">
    <liveupdate xmlns:xsi="" schemaMajor="1" schemaMinor="0" version="080202" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="liveupdate.xsd">
    <policies xmlns:xsi="" schemaMajor="1" schemaMinor="0" version="080202" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="policy.xsd">
            <AntiVirus DefinitonDateTime="Wed Jan 19 00:00:00 2022" version="20220119.025"/>

    NOTE: 080202 translates to SPE version 8.2.2.


To search for the most recent occurrence of the "product_version" keyword

  1. At the cmd prompt, cd to the folder containing cafagent.log
  2. At the cmd prompt, type: find find "product_version" cafagent.log
  3. Wait until the scrolling stops.
  4. From the bottom to the top look for the "product_version". The following example has removed some pieces of information and highlighted the product_version and its matching value for emphasis.

    2022-01-07 18:52:33 | cafservice.CAFEnrollManager | Information | 10516 : 11152 : caf::CAFEnrollManager::EnrollDevice::<lambda_34efe32933640acb3170bde95bdc2a28>::operator ():110 | EnrollDevice request body: {"adapters":["SPE_STORAGE_BRIDGE"],"adapters_props":{"SPE_STORAGE_BRIDGE":{"applied_policy_id":"13462","applied_policy_version":"1","asset_enforcement_status":"0","contents":[{"content_last_download_time":"1641581493000","content_type_id":"Antivirus","sequence":"220107007","version":"2022-01-07 rev. 007"},{"content_last_download_time":"","content_type_id":"InsightCacheRevocation","sequence":"","version":""},{"content_last_download_time":"","content_type_id":"InsightSettings","sequence":"","version":""},{"content_last_download_time":"","content_type_id":"InsightSymvt","sequence":"","version":""}],"license_info":[{"expiry_date":"0","feature":"AVScanning","fulfillment_id":"[REMOVED]"},{"expiry_date":"1663484400000","feature":"AVContent","fulfillment_id":"[REMOVED]"},{"expiry_date":"1663484400000","feature":"Insight","fulfillment_id":"[REMOVED]"},{"expiry_date":"1663484400000","feature":"APKReputation","fulfillment_id":"[REMOVED]"}],"policy_schema_version":"1.0","product_version":"","scanner_uptime":"1641581385000","status":