VIP Enterprise Gateway LiveUpdate fails. The following error is seen in the VIP_Enterprise_Gateway\logsupdate.log:
INFO "2022-01-19 20:10:29.158 GMT-0500" upgrade 0 0 0 "actor=upgrade,op=upgrade,text=Successfully stopped ldapSync service"
INFO "2022-01-19 20:10:32.041 GMT-0500" upgrade 0 0 0 "actor=upgrade,op=upgrade,text=Process result: 2022-01-19 20:10:32\,031 FATAL - WMI Operation failure: ServiceCannotAcceptControl"
INFO "2022-01-19 20:10:32.041 GMT-0500" upgrade 0 0 0 "actor=upgrade,op=upgrade,text=Process result: WMI.WmiException: ServiceCannotAcceptControl"
INFO "2022-01-19 20:10:32.042 GMT-0500" upgrade 0 0 0 "actor=upgrade,op=upgrade,text=Process result: at WMI.WmiRoot.BaseHandler.CheckError(ManagementBaseObject result)"
INFO "2022-01-19 20:10:32.042 GMT-0500" upgrade 0 0 0 "actor=upgrade,op=upgrade,text=Process result: at WMI.WmiRoot.InstanceHandler.Invoke(Object proxy\, MethodInfo method\, Object[] args)"
INFO "2022-01-19 20:10:32.043 GMT-0500" upgrade 0 0 0 "actor=upgrade,op=upgrade,text=Process result: at winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args\, ServiceDescriptor descriptor)"
INFO "2022-01-19 20:10:32.043 GMT-0500" upgrade 0 0 0 "actor=upgrade,op=upgrade,text=Process result: at winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)"
The LDAP Sync Simulation Service (Symantec LDAP Sync Service) is removed from the Windows services console when an LDAP sync simulation is not running and creates the service when it is. This service should be visible in the services console only when a simulation is in progress. Otherwise, the LiveUpdate may fail.
This does not apply to the actual LDAP synchronization service (Symantec LDAP DirSync Service). This service will reflect the status shown in the VIP Console.
Supported EGW versions 9.8.4, 9.9.x