Workpoint jobs stuck on timer nodes | 14.4 CP1
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Workpoint jobs stuck on timer nodes | 14.4 CP1


Article ID: 232882


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager


14.4 CP1 patch was successfully applied. (Application Server is Weblogic on Windows, db MS Sqlserver)

Workpoint jobs are stuck. New jobs get stuck on the first node.


We saw that all the timer nodes get stuck. The problem occurs in the INT environment.

There is only one workflow in use at this site and it contains multiple timer nodes.

The same workflow works fine in Dev which is also at 14.4 CP1.

If you change the properties of the timer node to not wait, it will proceed. It only gets stuck (does not process or go to the next node) if there is a timer value set.

Not sure if the problem occurred before or after the CP1 application.

Customer will restore to pre- CP1 (14.4) and will even restore WF DB if needed.
This may help determine whether the problem existed prior to CP1.



Suspect corruption in the Workflow script, or the Workflow DB. There does not appear to be an issue with CP1 itself,


Resolved by restoring VM images and Database, and reapplying:
Workpoint worked fine after restoring to 14.2
Workpoint worked fine after upgrading to 14.4
Workpoint testing is in progress after applying 14.4 CP1 patch.