ACF2 CHKCERT gets ACF68033 The password is incorrect for the CERTIFICATE against renewed certificate
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ACF2 CHKCERT gets ACF68033 The password is incorrect for the CERTIFICATE against renewed certificate


Article ID: 232877


Updated On:


ACF2 - z/OS


There us a certificate created outside of ACF2 that is expiring. the cert was renewed and sent, uploaded the .pfx file and before trying to insert into the database ran a CHKCERT against the dataset but am receiving the error:

ACF68033 The password is incorrect for the CERTIFICATE  

Double checked with cert creator and the PW is correct. Not sure what is casing the error.       


Release : 16.0

Component : ACF2 for z/OS


To determine if the problem is with ACF2 CHKCERT or a password related, try importing the certificate using the browser(Chrome or IE) certificate wizard?

For Chrome you would do the following:

  • Client on the 'Settings' button from the upper right corner
  • Click on 'Security and Privacy' setting on the left
  • Click on 'Security'
  • Click on 'Manage Certificates'
  • Then on the 'Certificates' wizard box click on 'Import...'
  • Follow the wizard instructions to point to the certificate file on your PC
  • You should be prompted for the password

From (Internet Explorer)IE you would do the following:

  • Click on the 'Settings' wheel in the upper right corner
  • Client on 'Internet Options'
  • Click on the 'Content' tab
  • Click on the 'Certificates'
  • Click on the 'Import...'
  • Follow the wizard instructions to point to the certificate file on your PC
  • You should be prompted for the password

If the password works then there is a problem with ACF2 and CHKCERT, if the password fails from the certificate wizard then there is a problem with the certificate file or certificate file password.