View - Need clarification on CHA1VIEW class RACF profiles
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View - Need clarification on CHA1VIEW class RACF profiles


Article ID: 232808


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The CHA1VIEW resource profiles for reports do not seem to be protecting, or allowing, access to reports in SAR.

I am using both the REPT and RAPS resource types in pairs for every report. 

As a test, I authorized my userID to the CHA1VIEW REPT and RAPS profiles for production reports, and found that I still did not have access to the report.

I then went to the Deliver panel and added my id to the Deliver distribution data panel for that report, and found that I was then able to access the report.

As a further test, I then deleted my access to the CHA1VIEW REPT and RAPS resources, did a SETROPTS REFRESH for the class and found that I still had access. 

If I only need to add my userid to the Deliver distribution list, what are the CHA1VIEW classes protecting?


Release : 14.0

Component :


With assistance from setting SARINIT FEATURE=1, the client found that their ID was being granted a wide range of RACF access to reports using a generic profile.