You may see the following WARN message in DSA warning log and wonder what it means.
WARN : Setting pswitch to autodetect StartTLS protocol"
Release : 14.1
Component : CA Directory
Embedded Entitlements Manager
EEM 12.x
This is more of an informational message to indicate that the communication is switching from plain text to secure (SSL/TLS).
StartTLS command is a directive that instructs the communication to switch to SSL.
If you are binding to an LDAP/AD using SSL/TLS, then it is common to see this message as the application requests a SSL (TLS) connection.
In fact, this is not to be considered as a WARNING, as this message is just appraising us of a change of connection state.
on EEM, these messages are seen in
C:\Program Files\CA\Directory\dxserver\logs\itechpoz_warn_date.log
[244] 20220304.130320.930 WARN : Setting pswitch to autodetect StartTLS protocol
[228] 20220304.130322.033 WARN : Setting pswitch to autodetect StartTLS protocol
[240] 20220304.130323.325 WARN : Setting pswitch to autodetect StartTLS protocol
[236] 20220304.130324.418 WARN : Setting pswitch to autodetect StartTLS protocol