SSH FOTS1370 error from MOI ISPF panels
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SSH FOTS1370 error from MOI ISPF panels


Article ID: 232790


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Mainframe Operational Intelligence


A MOI customer performed a site switch from one mainframe to another as part of their twice yearly disaster recovery exercise. 

When they attempted to access the new LPAR/sysem via the MOI ISPF Maintain panels, they received a FOTS1370   Host key verification failed message. 

The process provided in the resolution section of this Knowledge Document addresses the addition of the new LPAR/system to the list of know hosts so that the SSH verification will work properly.


Mainframe Operations Intelligence(MOI)

Release 2.0.06


The following error was encountered by a Customer in their MOI ISPF Maintain panels after they performed a switch of their mainframe system that MOI was installed on to another system:

The following steps were taken to correct this error:

1)  Logged into OMVS which lands in the root directory of the MOI installer

2)  Ran the following commands to list the available host keys:

             cd  .ssh

             ls -al  .ssh/

3)  These commands list the available public and private SSH keys by mainframe system.  Here is an example of a private and public key pair:

         <user id>.<lpar>.caae_rsa

         <user id>.<lpar>

4)   The following SSH command was performed to add the new LPAR/system to the list of known hosts. The private key used should be one that has been created for the new LPAR/system: 

         /bin/ssh admin@<ip address of new LPAR/system> -i  .ssh/<user id>.<new lpar>.caae_rsa

5)   The following information was returned:

        The authenticity of host '<ip address of new LPAR/system>' can't be established.

        ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:...............................................................

        Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?    

  6)   yes was answered since we did want connect to the specified LPAR/system

  7)   The following information was displayed:

        FOTS2274  Warning:   Permanently added  '<ip address of target LPAR/system>'  (ECDSA)   to the list of known hosts

        FOTS3322  Passwords may be entered from 3270 terminals

  8)   The FOTS3322 message can be ignored since the point of this process was to add the LPAR/system IP address to the list of know/hosts