Sharing Masked ACF2 GSO Records Among SYSIDs
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Sharing Masked ACF2 GSO Records Among SYSIDs


Article ID: 232713


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There are currently GSO records for every SYSID in ACF2 for a shared database environment. This causes overhead when needing to make changes to these records. How can the amount of GSO records be reduced? How can changes be made to the correct GSO record if there are multiple records for different SYSIDs?


Release : 16.0

Component : ACF2 for z/OS


The TSO, ACF, 'SHOW MODE' command will show the 'active' SYSID.

GSO records are grouped in the ACF2 INFOSTG database by SYSID. The SYSID determines which GSO records will be selected to be used by CA ACF2 on a particular system. The SYSID for GSO records can be masked, which allows for different SYSIDs to share the same GSO records. For certain GSO records, only one record can be selected. ACF2 selects the record with the SYSID that most specifically matches the SYSID. For example, if the INFOSTG database contains two GSO OPTS records one under SYSID SYSA and another under SYSID S***:

- IPL of an LPAR with 'active' SYSID SYSA will cause the GSO OPTS record stored under SYSID SYSA to be used.
- IPL of an LPAR with 'active' SYSID SYSB will cause the GSO OPTS record stored under SYSID S*** to be used. 

Furthering this example, if GSO OPTS record SYSA is deleted and an 'F ACF2,REFRESH(OPTS)' command is issued, then the LPAR with an 'active' SYSID of SYSA will use the record stored under SYSID S***. When changing shared GSO records, do not forget to issue the appropriate F ACF2,REFRESH command on each of the systems sharing the database.

ACF2 uses the active SYSID string as the SYSID for all records created or updated during a session if a SYSID is not specified when establishing an ACF command setting. To change a GSO record stored under a SYSID which is different from the current 'active' SYSID, 'SET CONTROL(GSO) SYSID(xxxx)' should be specified where xxxx is the SYSID of the GSO record that is to be changed or inserted.

For example, if the 'SHOW MODE' displays the 'active' SYSID is SYSA:

1. After a 'SET CONTROL(GSO)' command all CHANGE, INSERT or DELETE commands operate on GSO records under the 'active' SYSID SYSA.
2. After a 'SET CONTROL(GSO) SYSID(S***) all CHANGE, INSERT or DELETE commands will operate on GSO records under SYSID S***.

Note that if MSYSID is specified instead of SYSID on the SET command, then all records that match the masked SYSID are subject to a CHANGE or DELETE command. Caution should be taken when using MSYSID to make a change to multiple GSO records at once. For example, if there are multiple GSO PSWD records (for different SYSIDs) and MSYSID(****) is specified, then a CHANGE PSWD command will change all PSWD records that exist.


Additional Information

Further information can be found in the ACF2 documentation under the following sections:
Understanding SYSIDs
Process Structured Infostorage Records Using the ACF Command
Display System Options and the Active SYSID