We are just beginning to use the ERO option for a job for the customer.
Is there a report that I can run that will show me all output in SAR that goes beyond the default settings?
Release : 14.0
Component :
Unfortunately, there is not a report that will show those reports that have a current retention that is beyond a default setting, as the retentions shown in the "Remaining" columns of the View Sysout Selection List are calculated and are not kept on the database.
These are SARINIT parameters, pertaining to ERO:
. . Setting of TABLE means ERO table is first reference point.
. . Setting of INIT means that NGEND/NGENT will also be used in determining ultimate retention.
. . Setting of NEW means ERO that retentions are applied to new report instances.
. . Setting of YES means that ERO retentions are applied to all reports in the database.
The ERO_ID field is populated at the first backup of a report after its collection, and is populated with what entry was matched in the ERO table.
PTF SO13541 removes the ERO_ID field value when a report that still has retention was, but is no longer, under ERO control.
You can have a comment in the ERO table, with a * in column 1.
Program SARVERO can be used to simulate what will happen with a report at the next backup, however the report needs to first have been collected to the View database.