Does Netmaster generate SMF records?
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Does Netmaster generate SMF records?


Article ID: 232617


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NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster Network Automation SOLVE:FTS NetMaster File Transfer Management NetMaster Network Management for SNA


Does Netmaster create SMF records?

If it does, what type of SMF records are created?



Release : 12.2

Component : NetMaster Suite


In general, NetMaster is capable of cutting SMF records for various functions.

Whether or not any SMF records at all will be cut is determined within Netmaster by the /PARMS SMF parameter group.

If you browse this group, it will either be blank or contain the number for the SMF TYPE used by Netmaster.

You can see by this screenshot that SMF records are not being cut in this region.

Using the PF1 HELP will show you the various types of records that can be generated.

 SMF Record Identifier specifies the ID to use when this 

 region creates the following SMF records:               
 -  ServiceView                                          
 -  ResourceView                                         
 -  EventView                                            
 -  User CPU time accounting                             
 -  FTS data set records                                 
 -  Performance monitoring trends:                       
    DS - one-off samples                                 
    HD - hourly trends                                   
 -  NEWS                                                 
 -  NTS                                                  
 -  User                                               
These records are written without setting the subtypes  
 flag in the SMF record header.                          
 The value should not have been used by other third-party
 products. A value of 0 disables record creation.        

Additional Information

For more detailed information, including record formats, please review the Reference guide in the Netmaster Shared Content Library, including (but not limited to) these sections

Automation Services SMF Record Format

which includes EventView, ResourceView, ServiceView and User Defined record formats

Audit Application Program Interface

Audit SMF Record Format 

Record CPU Usage