Alert Attributes Are Missing
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Alert Attributes Are Missing


Article ID: 232616


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


We generate SOI alerts using the following information “A $[Alert Severity] alert occurred on $[Host Name] with IP $[Primary IPV4Address] $[Alert User Attribute 6] at $[Alert Occurred Date]”.


Since we started seeing issues between Spectrum and SOI (needed to restore the DB several times), the alerts are no longer working properly.


This is the alert message being generated now ““A Critical alert occurred on hostname with IP Not set : DEVICE HAS STOPPED RESPONDING TO POLLS at 2022-01-18 05:14:16


The attribute $[Primary IPV4Address] is no longer being filled in correctly in the alert.  Do you have any idea why this would be occurring?


Release : 4.2

Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager


We saw constant error showing catalyst object no longer valid messages in the soimgr-debug.log 


We did the following...


1) Stop all SOI services

2) Remove the correlation cache file in the tomcat\work\soi.correlation.cache

3) restart just the SOI manager.