The customer was using a custom report identifying managed machines with a pending reboot that haven't rebooted in over 30 days. This is used to target computers for manual reboots. However, it stopped working after the 8.6 upgrade.
The following is the SQL query used for the report:
,vOS.[Last Boot Up Time]
,tPU.[User] AS 'Primary User'
,tIR.[Collection Time] AS 'Last Inventory'
,vPR.[LastReboot] AS 'Last Reboot'
FROM [Symantec_CMDB].[dbo].[vOSOperatingSystem] vOS
JOIN vComputer vC ON vOS.[_ResourceGuid] = vC.[Guid]
JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Primary_User tPU ON vOS.[_ResourceGuid] = tPU.[_ResourceGuid]
JOIN Inv_Inventory_Results tIR ON vOS.[_ResourceGuid] = tIR.[_ResourceGuid]
JOIN vPMCore_ComputersPendingReboot vPR ON vOS.[_ResourceGuid] = vPR.[_ResourceGuid]
WHERE vOS.[Last Boot Up Time] < DATEADD(d, -30, getdate())
--WHERE vOS.[Last Boot Up Time] <= CONVERT(datetime, '2015-02-17')
AND vC.[IsManaged] = '1'
AND tIR.[Agent] = 'Inventory Agent'
ORDER BY vC.[Name]
The following error is returned when the query is run manually in SQL Management Studio:
Invalid object name 'vPMCore_ComputersPendingReboot'.
ITMS 8.6
Using the vPMCore_ComputersPendingReboot view that doesn't exist in ITMS 8.5 RU4 or ITMS 8.6.
Changed the query used in the custom report to use vPMCore_ComputersPendingRebootByPackage_Legacy to resolve this issue.