GUI Developer Portal 5.0 Theme
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GUI Developer Portal 5.0 Theme


Article ID: 232530


Updated On:


CA API Developer Portal


After the migration from 3.5 to 5.0, the theme of the Developer Portal 5.0 has been changed for the tenant in question.

As a result, many menu options in the UI have become invisible.

Trying to restore the theme, as indicated on, has unfortunately not helped.

Please let us know how the default theme/layout can be restored.


Release : 5.0

Component :


This can occur if you mesh up the themes colors in the migration .

Which is something you get warned about during the migration . 


After clicking the restore  default in themes page the screen should be refreshed , this take up to 30 sec after this the value for the colors should be set back to the default and you should be able to select apply changes  and  save the current settings.

If this does not occur you can go  to the portal API  and select the themes using Papi .


This returned the current themes config 

The default colors are as follows:

"color": {        
"siteTitle": "#000000",
"pageTitle": "#4D4D4D",
"background": "#F6F6F6",
"uiBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"bodyText": "#000000",
"link": "#114599",
"linkHover": "#4888EF",
"smallText": "#000000",
"borderColor": "#D9D9D9",
"primaryButtonBackground": "#1D5BBF",
"primaryButtonText": "#FFFFFF",
"primaryButtonHover": "#4888EF",
"headerBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"headerLink": "#114599",
"footerBackground": "#F6F6F6",
"footerText": "#000000",
"footerLink": "#114599",
"apiHubPrimary": "#114599",
"apiHubSecondary": "#114599"},

Adjust the colors in your returned theme and post this back in a put call 

You should get back a 204 status on this .

refresh the portal pages and they should be back to the default colors