Any way to determine the maintenance level of sysview from the STC messages?
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Any way to determine the maintenance level of sysview from the STC messages?


Article ID: 232504


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


Is there anyway from the SYSVIEW startup messages that I can tell what maintenance level that I am now running at so I can compare it to a previous start-up sysout? 

Information to indicate a maintenance level that the Sysview loadlibs themselves were running at.  Something like:

Release              16.0.02

Build                0990


Release : 16.0

Component : SYSVIEW


There is a LISTMODS command that produces a report that contains this information......Release, Build...


The LISTMODS command lists the status of SYSVIEW modules.


SYSVIEW 16.0 ssid -------- LISTMODS, Product Modules -------- mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
Command ====>                                                 Scroll *===> PAGE
---------------------------------------------- Lvl 2 Row 1-37/1946 Col 1-79/142
Module   Rels Bld  AsmDate  AsmTm Description                      Status
GSVXVTMI 16.0 0990 09/10/19 10:26 VTAM interface user session      LOADED
GSVXNPCI 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:36 NPCI module                      LOADED
GSVXNPCS 16.0 0990 04/07/21 08:35 NPCS module                      LOADED
GSVJJCSR 16.0 0990 10/14/20 11:59 JES PC services                  LOADED
GSVXXMDS 16.0 0990 07/26/21 14:02 XMemory data PC services         LOADED
GSVXXMDC 16.0 0990 07/26/21 14:02 XMemory data controller          LOADED
GSVXXMDF 16.0 0990 07/06/21 11:34 BASE/TOOL xmemory functions      LOADED
GSVPIMSS 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:02 IMS xmemory functions            LOADED
GSVRROSS 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:08 Roscoe xmemory functions         LOADED
GSVXNSDF 16.0 0990 07/26/21 14:01 BASE/TOOL nonswitch functions    LOADED
GSVYNSDF 16.0 0990 12/21/20 10:03 CICS nonswitch functions         LOADED
GSVJSS20 16.0 0990 04/16/19 17:33 JES2 xmemory functions           LOADED
GSVPXM14 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:06 IMS xmemory functions v14        LOADED
GSVPXM15 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:07 IMS xmemory functions v15        LOADED
GSVSS800 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:13 IBM MQ xmemory functions v800    LOADED

on the right hand panel(PF11), there is a FIX LEVEL column....

SYSVIEW 16.0 xxxx -------- LISTMODS, Product Modules -------- mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
Command ====>                                                 Scroll *===> PAGE
GSVX006I End of data columns --------- Lvl 2 Row 75-111/1946 Col 1-9&80-142/142
Module  |Epaddr   Type     Command  Refr FixLevel MacLv AsmUser  Owner
GSVKASID 3BC362D8 NUCLEUS                LU00527  SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVKCMDT 3B7ADEB0 NUCLEUS                LU02875  SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVKDSID 3BD9CBA0 NUCLEUS                         SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVKDUMP 3BBF03D0 NUCLEUS                LU00548  SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVKFLDT 3B7C6718 NUCLEUS                LU02875  SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVKLMAR 3BD9DB70 NUCLEUS                         SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVKMVS  3BDA4EE8 NUCLEUS                         SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVKPOAR 3BDA7D10 NUCLEUS                         SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVLCMDT 3BCEC660 NUCLEUS                SO14533  SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVLDB2R 3BA0AC28 NUCLEUS                LU01709  SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVLFLDT 3BD2B528 NUCLEUS                SO12721  SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVMCMDT 3BCED278 NUCLEUS                SO14533  SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW
GSVMCONN 3BDB3FB8 NUCLEUS                         SP724 SYSV160  SYSVIEW

To capture the report in batch , run this command in batch with this JCL:

//SYSIN       DD  *


The output looks like this

1 SYSVIEW 16.0 ssid ---------------------------------- LISTMODS, Product Modules ---------------------------------- mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
  Command ====>                                                                                                     Scroll *===> PAGE
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lvl 2 Row 1-60/1946 Col 1-131/139
  Module   Rels Bld  AsmDate  AsmTm Description                      Status   Epaddr   Type     Command  Refr FixLevel MacLv AsmUser
  GSVXBAT  16.0 0990 08/24/21 08:21 BATCH interface user session     LOADED   3B600000 DRIVER                 LU02367  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVXNPCI 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:36 NPCI module                      LOADED   38BD0000 NPCI              REFR          SP724 SYSV160
  GSVXNPCS 16.0 0990 04/07/21 08:35 NPCS module                      LOADED   38BD1000 NPCS              REFR LU00849  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVJJCSR 16.0 0990 10/14/20 11:59 JES PC services                  LOADED   371A0000 NPCSMOD           REFR SO15206  SP722 SYSV160
  GSVXXMDS 16.0 0990 07/26/21 14:02 XMemory data PC services         LOADED   371A4000 NPCSMOD           REFR LU02191  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVXXMDC 16.0 0990 07/26/21 14:02 XMemory data controller          LOADED   371A4108 NPCSSECT               LU02191  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVXXMDF 16.0 0990 07/06/21 11:34 BASE/TOOL xmemory functions      LOADED   371A8690 NPCSSECT               LU02000  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVPIMSS 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:02 IMS xmemory functions            LOADED   371C0EC8 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVRROSS 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:08 Roscoe xmemory functions         LOADED   371C15A0 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVXNSDF 16.0 0990 07/26/21 14:01 BASE/TOOL nonswitch functions    LOADED   371BBBF0 NPCSSECT               LU02191  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVYNSDF 16.0 0990 12/21/20 10:03 CICS nonswitch functions         LOADED   371BEE70 NPCSSECT               SO16018  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVJSS20 16.0 0990 04/16/19 17:33 JES2 xmemory functions           LOADED   371C0958 NPCSSECT                        SP722 SYSV160
  GSVPXM14 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:06 IMS xmemory functions v14        LOADED   371C1110 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVPXM15 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:07 IMS xmemory functions v15        LOADED   371C1358 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVSS800 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:13 IBM MQ xmemory functions v800    LOADED   371C26F0 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVSS900 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:13 IBM MQ xmemory functions v900    LOADED   371C31C0 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVSS910 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:13 IBM MQ xmemory functions v910    LOADED   371C3C90 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVSS912 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:13 IBM MQ xmemory functions v912    LOADED   371C4760 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVSS913 16.0 0990 05/08/20 16:46 IBM MQ xmemory functions v913    LOADED   371C5230 NPCSSECT               SO13116  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVSS915 16.0 0990 05/08/20 16:46 IBM MQ xmemory functions v915    LOADED   371C5D00 NPCSSECT               SO13116  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVSS920 16.0 0990 11/09/20 10:45 IBM MQ xmemory functions v920    LOADED   371C67D0 NPCSSECT               SO15546  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVXXMDE 16.0 0990 04/16/19 18:47 XMemory data end                 LOADED   371C72A0 NPCSSECT                        SP724 SYSV160
  GSVXASRM 16.0 0990 10/14/20 12:03 Address space resource manager   LOADED   38C93F90 RESMGR                 SO15206  SP724 SYSV160
  GSVBJ250 16.0 0990 09/22/21 11:04 JES config module                LOADED   3BF6D000 JESCNFG                LU02875

Additional Information

Use the Batch Interface