Unable to login to CMEW using passphrase
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Unable to login to CMEW using passphrase


Article ID: 232501


Updated On:


Endevor Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Site recently upgraded to use a Passphrase 15-100 characters long for the TSO ID password, which was previously 8 characters. Users are now trying to logon to Endevor using Enterprise Workbench (CMEW), but it does not seem to pass the Passphrase correctly to RACF, Got message stating 'Invalid Password' even though the users can logon to TSO via TN3270.


Release : 18.0

Component : CM Enterprise Workbench


1) Efix 190805 was installed, but not deployed. In order to deploy:

  • First, stop Tomcat.
  • Find the Define Data Source utility in the Windows start menu, right click on it and "Run as administrator". Then press the Deploy button and Close the utility.
  • Verify that ew.war file in <Tomcat>\webapps folder shows today's date.
  • Delete <Tomcat>\webapps\ew folder.
  • Delete <Tomcat>\work\Catalina folder (jsp cache).
  • Start Tomcat.
  • Verify that About CMEW webpage shows build 47.

2) Database inaccessible error appeared. To solve this:

  • Go to <Tomcat>\lib folder and check if multiple sqljdbc*.jar files exist.
  • If yes, stop Tomcat, delete sqljdbc.jar and keep sqljdbc4.jar.
  • Start Tomcat.

3) Logging in with standard password works, but passphrase still fails. To fix this:

  • Stop Tomcat.
  • Install CAICCI-PC 14.1.1
  • Remove the old version, CAICCI-PC 2.1.1, by deleting D:\CA_APPSW and D:\CAICCI folders (This is only recommended, not required)
  • From the Windows start menu, right click on the newly installed "Launch CCIPC Configurator(32bit)" and select "Run as administrator".
  • On the Test tab, click Start button to test the connectivity to the mainframe.
  • If the utility freezes, close it and run it as administrator again. Then go through all the tabs to check the settings. Set "SSL Verify Depth" to 1 and turn off tracing. Click apply and test the connection again.
  • Start Tomcat.

Additional Information

Add passphrase support to CMEW: 

  • Deploy efix190805 on the CMEW server 
  • Add passphrase support to CA common services (apply SO04099 for CCIMVS 14.1, no PTF is required for CCIMVS 15.0)
  • Install CAICCI-PC 14.1.1