We are currently testing Liberty under CICS and looking for SYSVIEW screens to allow us to get a closer looks at the elements within the JVM.
We have already deployed the agent code to the underlying JVM:
We are looking for more information than just JVM/LE screens.
Can we see all the Liberty servers deployed under CICS across our estate?
There are a number of commands to get information on z/OS Connect which also runs under Liberty, are there features to use to show similar details for Liberty under CICS within SYSVIEW?
Release : 16.0
Component : SYSVIEW
As you have mentioned the JVM/LE commands that SYSVIEW has available will display information on any JVM.
Since Liberty servers are JVMs, those JVM/LE commands will show information for each Liberty server running under CICS.
To see all the Liberty servers deployed under CICS across your entire estate, you should be able to use the JVMLIST command and filter on the ASITYPE column for the value CICS. (SELECT ASITYPE C CICS)
This will show all CICS regions which contain a JVM.
If you have any ideas as to what type of information you would like to see in SYSVIEW on Liberty servers, we suggest that you open an IDEA out on the SYSVIEW Communities page with the details of your request