The upgrade from Spectrum 10.4.1 to 21.2.6 is failing in the postinstall tomct.cus script with the following exception.
The postinst.12.29 log file shows:
********** Started: Tue Jan 18 12:32:31 2022 **********
running Custom Script Install-Tools/CUS/tomct.cus
Starting tomct.cus
Tomcat upgrades from: 05/28/2020 15:28
repmgr folder does not exist but spm-oc does exist, so copying the struts.xml file from withoutSRM folder.
main location server: <hostName>
java path: /usr/spectrum/Java/bin/java
tomcat directory: /usr/spectrum/tomcat
oc port: 8080
tomcat memory setting: JAVA_OPTS="-DOneClick -server -Xmx4096M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Djava.awt.headless=true$SPECROOT/custom/keystore/cacerts -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dorg.apache.coyote.USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MSG_IN_HEADER=true -Dlog4j.formatMsgNoLookups=true"
previous OneClick: /usr/spectrum
Updating log4j configuration
Starting ServerConfigurationCreator
com.aprisma.tomcat.install.TomcatConfigException: JAXBException occurred while updating SAML config files.
- with linked exception:
[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 9; columnNumber: 33; The value of attribute "file" associated with an element type "keyStore" must not contain the '<' character.]
at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.updateSAMLConfigs(
at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.doCreateConfiguration(
at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.createConfiguration(
at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.main(
** ERROR during creating tomcat configurations
Script Install-Tools/CUS/tomct.cus has FAILED
DX NetOps Spectrum Release : 10.4.1, 21.2.x
There is an invalid keystore base-path name in the Spectrum 10.4.1 file:
Open the following file for editing:
Correct all references of
<keyStore file="<SPECROOT>/custom/keystore/cacerts"
<keyStore file="$SPECROOT/custom/keystore/cacerts"
Then redo the upgrade.