Cloning system, subsystem, and type definitions 
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Cloning system, subsystem, and type definitions 


Article ID: 232413


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Option K (Clone system structures) on the System Request panel can be used to clone (copy) system, subsystem, and type definitions within or across environments.
The Clone system structures is a powerful feature when you plan to set up multiple environments with the same inventory classifications.

In this situation, you only define the systems, subsystems, and types once, then use the System Definition-Clone panel to create the same definitions in the other environments.


You can use the Clone option (K) to copy the structure you have already there. After the copy is done, you can always use the option U (Update) to edit/change whatever might be necessary.

If needed, you may check the 
Cloning System, Subsystem, and Type Definitions link for your reference.

After cloning the system, subsystem and types, you will have to check whether the datasets (BASEs, DELTAs and OUTPUTs) for each type have been created.
      - If you have the 'deferred file creation' feature applied, it will create the datasets automatically for you.
      - But if you do not have it, then you will have to manually create the BASEs, DELTAs, and OUTPUTs that will be used for each type.

Note that it is important to review the new system created and update dataset names accordingly, so you don’t end up using datasets from another system (if not desired).

You can check the datasets needed in two different ways:

  • Option 1) Endevor option '4  ENVIRONMENT' => then '8  DATA SET' (shows you all the datasets for all the types in one system-stage)
  • Option 2) Endevor option '4  ENVIRONMENT' then '5 – TYPE' (leads to the type definition screens and will show you the Base and Delta required for the specified type)The DSN in the type definition may contain symbols. When creating the dataset, you need to substitute the symbols with its actual value.

In order to check if the dataset exists or not, you get the dataset names found above (from Option 1 or 2) and then search for them on ISPF option 3.4. If the search finds the dataset, it means the dataset has been created already, if not, then you will have to create it for all stages.



Additional Information

In case you need help defining BASEs, DELTAs and OUTPUTs, check How to define BASE, DELTA and OUTPUT libraries on Endevor.