Gen "ca.olf" license file (distributed platforms)
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Gen "ca.olf" license file (distributed platforms)


Article ID: 232387


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Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset


New CA Gen v8.6 Windows Toolkit has downloaded. In the previous installation of CA Gen v8 , the Windows Toolkit was distributed with an "ca.olf" file. Do we need a new ca.olf file for our installation?

If new users need another license file or can use existing license file ?


As the  ALP license FEATURE lines are not Gen version specific,  the ca.olf file can be copied from  Gen 8.0 machine to the Gen 8.6 machine .The license software installation and ca.olf file is normally in the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SharedComponents\CA_LIC

If the same machine is used  for both 8.6 and 8.0 then no actions is needed.

In case if any of the ca.olf FEATURE line date fields have already been reached/expired then a new ca.olf will be needed. A new Gen install will not complain about missing/expired license file until the 30 day trial period has passed

The ca.olf file is machine/user independent so can be copied to and used on any machine where Gen has been installed.

Additional Information

Gen™ 8.6 > Installing > Gen Licensing