It is possible to run JAVA 12.3 against a AE 21 system? This will depend on the release/hotfix in use.
Release : 21.0 Component : AE system and Java API : 12.3
The JAVA API program is based on the java classes that come with the uc4.jar library.
This configuration only works in the following way:
The JAVA API must be at least in version 12.3.9.
The AE system must be running at least in version 21.0.3 HF2 or higher
The Java API must open a connection to a conventional CP ONLY (not a JCP nor a TLS Gateway!!).
This is confirmed by the following release notes extracts :
Difference between 21.0.3 HF1 and 21.0.3 HF2:
12.3.9 Java Call API