Endevor CONLIST PARM=STORE Multiple DCB Combinations ( LRECL and RECFM ) how will the output be formatted
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Endevor CONLIST PARM=STORE Multiple DCB Combinations ( LRECL and RECFM ) how will the output be formatted


Article ID: 232346


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I have several listings being stored using the CONLIST utility. I have different record lengths and record formats.

What record format is used? Does any of the data get truncated?  





Release : all

Component :


CONLIST will store all members in the record length and record format of the output file.(DD C1LLIBO)

If the input file is shorter blanks will be padded at the end of the record. If the output file is shorter then the input file the data will be truncated to fit the output file's record length.

For example: 

These are the input files:

//INIT EXEC PGM=BC1PDSIN                           
//C1INIT1 DD DSN=&&LIST1,DISP=(,PASS),             
// UNIT=&WRKUNIT,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),           
//C1INIT2 DD DSN=&&LIST2,DISP=(,PASS),             
// UNIT=&WRKUNIT,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),           
//C1INIT3 DD DSN=&&LIST3,DISP=(,PASS),             
// UNIT=&WRKUNIT,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),           

If the output file of CONLIST (DD C1LLIBO) is RECFM=FBA,LRECL=300. Then no data will be truncated. The data on the first 2 files will be padded to be LRECL=300

If the output file of CONLIST (DDC1LLIB0) is RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133. Then the first file will be copied as is. The second file will be padded with blanks to LRECL=133. The 3rd file will have it's data truncated after column 133.