XCOMU0505E Received a signal from TCP/IP
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XCOMU0505E Received a signal from TCP/IP


Article ID: 232342


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XCOM - SUPPORT XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


Installed XCOM on a new Linux server successfully, but incoming transfer fail with the following message:

[]$ xcomtcp -c1 -f /usr/spool/xcom/config/new_prodconf.cnf REMOTE_SYSTEM= LOCAL_FILE=/home/prod/test_xcom.txt REMOTE_FILE=/home/test_xcom.txt

2022/01/11 10:50:19 TID=027714 [/home/test_xcom.txt --> /home/prod/test_xcom.txt at]

    XCOMU0029I Locally initiated transfer started.

2022/01/11 10:50:19 TID=027714

    #XCOMU0505E Received a signal from TCP/IP.




Release : 11.6

Component : XCOM Data Transport for Linux PC


XCOM was installed successfully, but the group owner for the binaries were not "xcomadm". They had a group owner of "3002". Here is what command "ls -l" returned for the user:

[XCOM]# ls -ltr

total 32

drwxrwxr-x 3 root 3002   22 Jan 11 10:40 JRE

drwxrwxr-x 5 root 3002   43 Jan 11 10:40 api

drwxrwxr-x 2 root 3002   58 Jan 11 10:40 txpi

drwxrwxr-x 2 root 3002 4096 Jan 11 10:40 ssl ....


XCOM for Linux must be uninstalled and installed again making sure that the group owner is "xcomadm". The result of command "ls -l" should look like this:

[XCOM]# ls -l
total 428
drwxrwxr-x. 5 root xcomadm     43 Mar 25  2021 api
drwxrwxr-x. 2 root xcomadm    258 Mar 25  2021 bin
drwxrwxr-x. 2 root xcomadm    179 Sep 29 15:42 cmd
drwxrwxr-x. 2 root xcomadm   4096 Sep 29 15:38 config ...

The installation process creates the xcomadm group if it does not exist.

Please refer to the XCOM for Unix/Linux installation manual for Installation of product.