CWP Controller fails to enroll with CAF agent, "Unknown error 336134278"
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CWP Controller fails to enroll with CAF agent, "Unknown error 336134278"


Article ID: 232336


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Cloud Workload Protection for Storage


After installing a new Cloud Workforce Protection (CWP) for Storage Controller on Amazon Web Service (AWS) using Cloudformation template, CAF agent fails to enroll the controller into CWP portal.

Relevant cafagent logs:

2021-12-06 16:37:56 | cafservice.CAFEnrollManager | Error | 3527 : 140275678590720 : operator():111 | Enrollment with server failed.
2021-12-06 16:37:56 | cafservice.CAFEnrollManager | Error | 3527 : 140275678590720 : operator():112 | The error code is:20
2021-12-06 16:37:56 | cafservice.CAFEnrollManager | Error | 3527 : 140275678590720 : operator():113 | Error message: HttpTransportNetworkError
2021-12-06 16:37:56 | cafservice.CAFEnrollManager | Error | 3527 : 140275678590720 : operator():114 | Error details: {"0":{"0":"ProxyModeDefault (8)","1":"EpmpClientErrorCodes: HttpTransportNetworkError (20)","2":{"0":"generic","1":336134278,"2":"Unknown error 336134278"}},"1":{"0":"ProxyModeDefault (8)","1":"EpmpClientErrorCodes: HttpTransportNetworkError (20)","2":{"0":"generic","1":336134278,"2":"Unknown error 336134278"}},"2":{"0":"ProxyModeDefault (8)","1":"EpmpClientErrorCodes: HttpTransportNetworkError (20)","2":{"0":"generic","1":336134278,"2":"Unknown error 336134278"}},"3":{"0":"ProxyModeDefault (8)","1":"EpmpClientErrorCodes: HttpTransportNetworkError (20)","2":{"0":"generic","1":336134278,"2":"Unknown error 336134278"}},"4":{"0":"ProxyModeDefault (8)","1":"EpmpClientErrorCodes: HttpTransportNetworkError (20)","2":{"0":"generic","1":336134278,"2":"Unknown error 336134278"}},"5":{"0":"ProxyModeDisabled (16)","1":"EpmpClientErrorCodes: HttpTransportNetworkError (20)","2":{"0":"generic","1":336134278,"2":"Unknown error 336134278"}},"6":{"0":"ProxyModeAutoDetect (2)","1":"EpmpClientErrorCodes: HttpTransportNetworkError (20)","2":{"0":"generic","1":336134278,"2":"Unknown error 336134278"}}}
2021-12-06 16:37:56 | cafservice.CAFEnrollManager | Error | 3527 : 140275678590720 : operator():140 | HTTP Transport error caused by some network problem, error message:HttpTransportNetworkError
2021-12-06 16:37:56 | cafservice.CAFEnrollManager | Information | 3527 : 140275678590720 : operator():203 | Will retry for enrollment in next 30 minutes.



Release : 15.5



Cafconfig.ini contains SSL config lines similar to the following, but CWP console discontinued use of certificate pinning. 



Please upgrade CWP for Storage to the latest version. Please download the CloudFormation Template (CFT) from the CWP console to upgrade.

For more information, see the following online help topic: