Checks for Workload Automation AutoSys upgrade
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Checks for Workload Automation AutoSys upgrade


Article ID: 232321


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


Here is a list of best practice questions to answer in an upgrade plan that Support can review with you.  
A few weeks ahead of an upgrade, please open a case with Support.  
You'll be asked for an upgrade plan and this article can be used as a basis for your upgrade plan.  
This is based on upgrade plans Support has seen in the past that have the most success.  

Please reach out to your Broadcom account team if you would like to know more about a services engagement,
which can also be leveraged to assist in any install, upgrade, migration or education planning.


Release : 12.0

Component : Workload Automation AutoSys



Did you test this in non-production first?
Is production the exact same as non-production?  
 If not, what is difference between the two?
Did you run into problems with the non-prod upgrade?
 If so, what sorts of problems did you run into? 
 The workarounds/solutions should be noted.

Backup plan:
What will you be backing up prior to upgrade?
When will you take the backup?

Backout/rollback plan:
When will you make the decision to back out in case something goes wrong?
What steps will be taken to back out of the upgrade?
Do you have a workaround in the meantime?

Timeline should include:
When does the installation or upgrade begin (date and time)?
What date/time will you stop components that need to be stopped?

For each component:
What date/time will do you plan on updating each component?  
How long will these take?  
When do you expect to be finished with each component?  
How long will testing take to be sure it upgraded correctly?
When will you make the decision to back out in case something goes wrong?
When do you plan on having the upgrade end (date and time)?

Does your system meet the requirements for the version you are installing/migrating/upgrading to?
Do you have the certificates and keystore files needed already from your security team?
What components are being upgraded?

From what version/service pack to what version/service pack are you going from and to?
Are there any 3rd party components being upgraded? 
Examples:Java (from, to versions?)
Database (from, to type and versions?)
OS patches (from, to flavor and versions?)
OS in general (from, to flavor and versions?)
What steps/commands are you using to upgrade each component?
Are you copying a database?  
If so, is there enough space on the target server?
Is this an upgrade of a current system?  
Are you migrating data from one system to another?
Is there any pre-work to be done on the system before stopping to upgrade?  
(for example are you stopping clients or queues?)
In what order will you be stopping running components?
In what order will you be starting components back up?
What commands will you use to start them up?
What user and environment settings are normally used to bring up the processes? 
What will be used during and after the upgrade?

What is an acceptable situation/workaround if something does go wrong?  
How long can it stay like that?
What is your backout plan for each component?
Who from your team needs to be available for troubleshooting?
Do you have the support number to call in case something goes wrong?  
Severity 1 cases cannot be raised from the website.  
Use a new case when running into a new issue.

What is the result of running "autoflags -a"?
Are you using EEM or Native security?
What other CA products (EEM, WCC, etc) are installed on this machine?
What version and bit level of jre do you have installed?
Are you going to be using your own jre, or the install that comes with the iso image or dvd?
What type of database and version are you using for AutoSys?
Is database local or remote?
What is the version and bit level of the local database client?
Have you backed up your current database?
Using the same database or migrating to a new database?
What OS and version of OS are you upgrading on?
How many instances of AutoSys do you have?
Are you upgrading in place or migrating to new server at the same time?

What version of WCC do you currently have installed?
If WCC version is 11.4.6 or older, have you configure EEM to use 2048 keylength?
What version of EEM do you currently have installed?
Is EEM installed on this machine or on a separate machine?
Is AutoSys installed on this machine or on a separate machine?
What type and version of database(s) are being used for WCC (Oracle, MSSQL, Derby)?
Are you going to use the same database, or are you going to migrate to a new database?
Are you going to be upgrading the database separately or when you upgrade WCC?
Have you backed up your database?
Have you backed up your configuration (wcc_config)?
Have you backed up your monitoring views (wcc_monitor)?
Have you backed up the WCC directory tree?
Is WCC using the same EEM as AutoSys?
Are you going to be installing multiple WCCs?
If installing multiple WCCs, are they going to be using the same database?
Is WCC behind a load balancer (example F5)?
Is SSL Enabled?
If using SSL are you using self-signed certificate or signed certificate from a Certificate Authority?

What version of EEM are you using?
Is EEM configured in multi-write mode?
Is EEM pointing to your LDAP or the internal user store?
Have you backed up your current EEM policies (safex)?
Are you upgrading in place or migrating to new server at the same time?

AutoSys Workload Automation Operating System and Database Support

AutoSys Workload Automation System Requirements



Working with Broadcom Support for a Successful Product Upgrade