GSV2074E Member CPROGRAM not found in panel library 
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GSV2074E Member CPROGRAM not found in panel library 


Article ID: 232304


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


We have applied maintenance to Sysview recently and on the Cics menu there is now an option 14

                    14 MENU     CPROGRAM                     Programs  

If you select this we receive error:

              GSV2074E Member CPROGRAM not found in panel library 

However if you just type CPROGRAM on command line it works or if you select option 15 CRESOURC and then option 16 CPROGRAM it also works.



Release : 16.0

Component : SYSVIEW


The option 14 is a MENU CPROGRAM option... And entering the CPROGRAM on the command line, is a panel command... 
So, there is a slight difference between a MENU and a PANEL....

Check the Sysview PARMLIB members... 
Enter PARMLIB on the command line of Sysview and see if there is a MENU member in the SITE parmlib library... If not, check the SYSTEM parmlib library..

If there is one in the SITE library, see if there is a line with the following contents:

*Menu    L Member   HelpMbr  Description...............................
CPROGRAM 4 GSVCPGMS *        CICS programs  

If not, add it to the proper line, in alphabetical order..

It may also be necessary to check the MENU member in the SYSTEM parmlib... Or SMPE managed parmlib library..

It is possible that some other ptfs applied could add a new MENU member to the SYSTEM parmlib, or SMPE managed parmlib.. Another possibility is that someone change the MENU and placed it into the SITE library... 

During the maintenance cycle  always check if you have SITE and SYSTEM libraries..