In TRC_AMAGENT_*.log following error appears :
amagent|SVCSPECS.CPP|000562|ERROR | The return code: 1 of amvminvux.exe "HostType=4" "HostTypeStr=VMware vCenter Server" "" "HostSerial=" "ServiceURL=" "[email protected]" "Datacenters=" "Clusters=" "Hosts=" "DatacentersInclude=1" "ClustersInclude=1" "HostsInclude=1" "Password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" "KeyLocation=" "Enabled=1" indicates an error
In TRC_UAM_AMVMINVUX_0.log following error appears :
amvminvux|esxapi.cpp|000270|ERROR | esxapi::Login: SOAP 1.1 fault: "":ServerFaultCode [no subcode]
"Permission to perform this operation was denied."
amvminvux|esxapi.cpp|000104|ERROR | esxapi::init: Failed to login with username [email protected]
amvminvux|AMInventoryESX.cpp|000153|ERROR | esx init failed (url= 1
Client Automation - Any Versions