How to send status of jobs to a MAILBOX
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How to send status of jobs to a MAILBOX


Article ID: 232243


Updated On:


ESP Workload Automation


How to use the NOTIFY to send job status via email. 




Release : 12.0



The MAILLIST data set defines a notification list. 

MAILLIST is based on sample member CYBESS71 in prefix.CD7YSAMP (prefix represents the data set qualifiers for your system).

MAILLIST includes the following initialization parameters:
A single SMTPPARM initialization parameter that defines a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server to ESP 
Any number of MAILBOX initialization parameters to specify the name of each mailbox
A single, optional LOG initialization parameter for each mailbox to specify whether mailbox messages are written to the mail log
Any number of EMAIL initialization parameters to specify an email address in mailboxes. You can specify the same email address in different mailboxes
Any number of TSOUSER initialization parameters to include TSO user IDs in mailboxes. You can specify the same TSO user ID in different mailboxes
If you have a complex distribution list, we recommend that you use email group addresses for each distribution point. Each group can include a number of different individual email addresses and each individual recipient can belong to any number of groups.
You must use the LOADNL initialization parameter to load the MAILLIST data set.
You can use the MAILBOX command to list how the mailboxes are defined.
You can use the mailboxes in events and in NOTIFY statements. When you specify a mailbox in an event or a NOTIFY statement, all the messages generated by the event or the NOTIFY statement are sent to all email addresses and TSO users defined in that mailbox.
You can specify a mailbox in the PROFILE initialization parameter. When you specify a mailbox in a PROFILE initialization parameter, any event using the prefix defined in this PROFILE initialization parameter uses that mailbox as a default mailbox. The default mailbox is used when the event does not specify a mailbox.

Example: sample MAILLIST member in the ESP parmlib data set

MAILBOX  cybermail  MAXLINES(0)
   TSOUSER name01 SYSID(sysa)
MAILBOX cybermailx MAXLINES(300)
   TSOUSER (name02 name03) SYSID(sysa)

Issue the following ESP page mode command to activate the MAILLIST now, and add the same command to the ESP init member (CYBESS03): 

 LOADNL your.esp.parmlib(MAILLIST)


Additional Information

Information about Mailbox, MailList, LOADNL, and  SMTPPARM.