Cleanup for Top Secret message ETCL014E DBASE recovery not possible.
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Cleanup for Top Secret message ETCL014E DBASE recovery not possible.


Article ID: 232233


Updated On: 01-13-2022




 >>>>>>>>>>> AT6#DBU+0156 ABENDED S222  <<
>>>>>>>>>>> Database recovery initiated  
ETCL014E DBASE recovery not possible.    
>>>>>>>>>>> Database recovery failed -   . 


Release : 12.1

Component : Cleanup for Top Secret


Cleanup makes every attempt possible to preserve the             
original DBASE if an error or abend occurs while it is              
being updated by the #DBU program.                                  
However, some abends, such as Sx22 abends (S122, S222, S322, S722)  
do not allow the recovery routine to perform any 'retry'            
processing, only 'cleanup' or percolation.                          
This means that the file I/O required to restore the DBASE          
from the internal DBBACKUP file is not allowed, and any             
attempt to perform such a restoration will likely result in         
an unsatisfied WAIT, causing the job to hang.                       
For this reason, it is recommended that the #DBU JOB:               
1) NEVER be CANCELed                                                
2) NOT have a  TIME   parameter specified.                          
3) NOT have an OUTLIM parameter specified.                          
4) Possibly reference a GDG+1 dataset on the DBBACKUP DD.